Uganda Agridept is a Co-operative Savings and Credit Society Limited which was started in 1974 by the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF).It was registered in July 1980 under the Cooperative Society Statute and Regulations of 1971, revised in 1991 and the Regulations of 1971 also revised in 1992 by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies. The Society was started to mobilize savings deposits from the employees and provide loans to the members at competitive interest rates. The society has grown and embraces members from Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, NARO, District Local Governments, etc.


Uganda Agridept is a vibrant, participatory, self-sustaining, member owned co-operative savings and credit society whose mission is to provide loans at completive interest rates to all members.


To be the leading provider of affordable financial services and value adding innovations in our chosen target groups.


  • To mobilize savings from members so as to create a pool of funds which it can afford relief to its members in need.
  • To promote and encourage economic and social interests of members by providing credit facilities for efficient and productive enterprises.
  • To stimulate and strengthen rural small, medium and large scale commercial income generating enterprise among members.
  • To provide and conduct training programs of extension advisory services and saving culture to its members.
  • To create opportunities for employment.


Integrity: The business will be run with utmost integrity, presenting all our Society operations in an accurate and timely manner.

Professionalism: Will always be observed to attract and retain the confidence of our members and other stakeholders.

Teamwork: Uganda Agridept will maintain a working environment of openness, trust and mutual respect and ensure that each team member feels his/her contribution is visible to, and valued by the organization.

Members Focus: So that quality financial services are offered while upholding the member as the owner, user, funder, controller and prime beneficiary of Uganda Agridept.

Innovation: In order to exceed the ever changing members’ and other stakeholders development needs.